on saturday, september 4, ryan and i went to the 143rd saanich fair with my friends amy and heather. i hadn't been to a fair since i was a child, and seeing the incredible breeds of rabbits, ducks, geese, pheasants, llamas, alpacas, horses, etc was truly amazing! ryan and i filled my 16gb memory card on my new camera and drained the battery rather quickly! (ryan, my parents and my new in-laws rob and jeri bought me a canon EOS 7D and a 50mm f/1.4 lens - i'm a very lucky girl!)
we ate fair food - hamburgers, onion rings and hot dogs with fries, elephant ears (beaver tails) and a wonderful new fair food we'd never encountered: a lavender lemonade sorbet "freezie". it was FANtastic! ryan and i are going to try to replicate it one day!
the food and flower portion of the fair was neat too! huge tomatoes, incredible blackberries the size of walnuts! rooms were filled with baking contest submissions, homemade wine and local honey and honeybee demonstrations. it was a wonderful day revisiting where food should come from (and smell and taste like)!
more photos from the day posted on my flickr site.
What a fun day and so many cool animals!